
What is semisonic closing time about
What is semisonic closing time about

  1. #What is semisonic closing time about professional#
  2. #What is semisonic closing time about free#

  • ↑ Hiyoko's report card trophy, "It's Lolita Complicated", references the 1955 Vladimir Nabokov novel Lolita.
  • #What is semisonic closing time about professional#

    It tells about an orphan who was adopted by a kabuki acting family to become an actor, very similar to Hiyoko who was separated from her dad by her grandmother so she can be taught as a professional traditional dancer.

  • ↑ The Madness of Nakazu is a novel written by Matsui Yoshiko in 1998.
  • #What is semisonic closing time about free#

    Waaaaaaaaaaa! Hajime forced this weird thing onto me!īecoming close to Hiyoko will grant Hajime the following skills, which will aid him in Class Trials:įull dialogue from Hiyoko's Free Time Events: How should I put this.? It's just as worthless as your existence! Wow.I've never seen something so useless in all my life. You can toss this into the garbage can on my behalf. Hmm, if I'm being modest.this is lower than a pile of bug corpses. You thought.I'd be happy to receive something like that.? Hey.I get that you're a brain-dead moron and a waste of oxygen.īut you're still my slave, so you need to bring me gifts that are a little more thoughtful than this. This looks boring and shady and doesn't suit me at all, but I guess I'll act happy for now! Hmmm.I don't really care if I take that or not.īut, since I feel bad for you, I guess I'll take it. This won't inconvenience me, so I'll gladly accept it. I see.I'm a little surprised to receive something like this from you. Well, it'd be too pathetic to put such high expectations on you anyway. I've never received anything that made me this happy. Yep yep, this truly shows Japan's beauty. Yaaay! I've always wanted something like this. There are multiple possible reactions for each "tier" of present, and which of the reactions you receive is random. When you give Hiyoko a present, she will give you a different reaction depending on how much she likes it.

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  • What is semisonic closing time about